
Kara Sardegna

The young winery MESA was officially established in 2004. The first line of wines were released inthe spring of 2005. Located on the Southwestern tip of the Sardinian island,Sulcis Iglesiente, the company’s owner is Gavino Sanna –the most famous and awardeditalian Creative Director- who’s supported by the skillful wine-maker fromTrento Stefano Cova. The link to the land in Sardegna is very strong and thismission is continued through Mesa.“Every glass of wine tells the story of this island and the people who love it:the smell of the sea, the freshness of the breeze and the heat of the sun thatripens each grape.”

The winery spans over 70 hectares Località Su Baroni, inthe area of Santa Anna Arresi, a smalltown dipped in the blue and green Valley of Porto Pino. The Mediterranean climate ischaracterized of a sparse rain season throughout the year which is concentratedalmost entirely in the Fall and Winter. The soil is rich with limestone,skeleton, also with organic substance and full of mineral elements thatdetermine the success of the wines. Mesa cultivates mainly the famous Carignano,Vermentino and Cannonau. Mesa wine production is highly specializedwith only a small production, maximum 40-50 to 100 quintals per hectare. Thecantina is situated atop the mountain of the principal vineyard Località SuBaroni nestled in the hills.

The cantina is made up of three levels: the topfloor is where the grapes first processed, immediately after the de-stemmingand pressing process the grapes are then conveyed in a free-fall through afunnel to the next level, one floor down. After the varied processing phasesare complete, they are then transferred to the containers in the basement levelof the cantina, underground. Aging continues in this underground level in Frenchbarrels, cement basins, and stainless steel tanks, prior to bottling. Total Mesa wine productionvaries between 700,000 to 750,000 bottles a year.

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