It was during the Arab domination that the botargo, salted and dessicated mullet roes, was first introduced in the Sardinian cooking.The Sardinian cooking tradition adopted this characteristic food turning it into one of its most typical and appreciated products.
Stefano Rocca has been the first in Sardinia to produce and to trade the botargo increasing its fame outside the island borders. Stefano Rocca has been able to improve the quality and the taste of its product through an innovative dessication process that dries the botargo up and makes it compact both in the central and in the external parts.
The vacuum packing now also used for the jars containing grated botargo (we have been the first to use the vacuum packed jars) keep the taste of the botargo unchanged.Our mullet botargo is available in various sizes according to our customer´s needs.
Ingredients: grey mullet´s eggs, sea salt.
Preservation: To last 18 months.
Fishing Areas
To keep in a dry place ( 0°-4° ).