
Kara Sardegna

On this section, you can find the terms of sale applied by Cortesa S.r.l.
There are details regarding the purchase procedures, terms of payment, safety, progress of the order, shippings, cancellations, withdrawals and, in general, all the information needed by customers, either individuals or companies.

Application of General Terms of Sale

The general terms of sale outlined below (hereafter known as "general conditions"), govern the contractual relationship between any user of the website and the company Cortesa S.r.l. whose head office is situated at Costa Smeralda Airport, Olbia (Italy) and registered on the Camera di Commercio di Sassari with VAT r.n. 02234650907 (hereafter known as "Cortesa S.r.l.").
These general conditions shall be the only ones applicable and replace all other conditions, except in the case of express written consent. Cortesa S.r.l. may be occasionally obliged to modify certain provisions of its general conditions. It is therefore necessary to re-read the said conditions before each purchase on the website.

Any order by the customer implies a tacit acceptance of the present general conditions of sale and without reserve.
Any clause accompanying a customer's order or any other document that is in opposition to, or which adds a new element to the present general conditions, will not be accepted by Cortesa S.r.l.

Right of Withdrawal
Settlement of Disputes
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